
Accepted in the Beloved

Our purpose is to create a haven for these precious children, offering love, hope, and joy by addressing their spiritual and physical needs—embracing them with prayer, nourishment, clothing, and shelter

We aim to instill unwavering hope in these children, imparting the profound truth that they are accepted in the beloved, fostering a sense of belonging and love

In the embrace of acceptance, every child discovers the strength to script a narrative of resilience, independence, and boundless potential

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Program Success Stories

Meet Shawan, a resilient 10-year-old who has never had the chance to attend school. Instead of spending his days in a classroom, he works diligently in a mechanic shop. Let's unite in prayer, earnestly seeking open doors of opportunity for Shawan to experience the fundamental joys of education. In a world where reading and writing form the bedrock of empowerment, let's envision a future where every child, including Shawan, can access the transformative gift of learning. Together, let's advocate for and work towards a world where educational opportunities are not just a dream but a reality for every young spirit.

She diligently tends to the little ones while their mother tends to the farm. In this current season, formal education may be on pause, but they are eagerly en route to reunite with their mother at the farm. Despite the absence of traditional schooling at the moment, their journey holds the promise of shared experiences and learning, creating a unique blend of nurturing care and practical life education.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world

James 1:27

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